Team Orlando

Team Orlando


I lead Operations for Medical Affairs Americas, so it was fate that our team was assigned to a warehouse that serves as a hub for Red Cross's supply chain operations. You don't know where you'll be assigned until you get to your destination, but it couldn't have been a better match. I was able to help put my work skills to use managing the Red Cross's inventory. I got real satisfaction when I saw I had inventoried a row of supplies and goods and turned it around in a couple of hours so we could get it ready to go to Puerto Rico. My only regret is that I wasn't certified to drive the forklift! We all felt like there was a real opportunity to collaborate with the Red Cross to send skilled volunteers to help them – to match volunteers' skills with their needs.

I would love to be a part of making that happen. While I did some inventory, our team mostly did manual labor – heavy lifting, organizing supplies. We did what was needed – from cleaning to lifting and sorting to returning rental cars. The Red Cross really needs help. We asked them what they needed, and they said EVERYTHING. It was really difficult to leave -- there are only three people left in the warehouse. We left it in good shape, but there is still a lot to do. They need to get everything out and close the warehouse this week. The best part of this experience is that our Team Orlando will be friends for life.