Charlee Jane was born with Congenital Femoral Deficiency, formally known as Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD). Basically, Charlee was born with hip deformities, and her femur on her right leg grows at a 40% lower rate as her left, leaving her right leg much shorter. At the age of 3, her difference is approximately 4 inches. By maturity, without treatment, it would be an 8 to 12 inch difference. It is a very rare birth defect and, for Charlee, we chose limb-lengthening treatment.
Charlee has seen a specialist, Dr. Dror Paley in West Palm Beach, Florida, since she was 3 months old. She is now 3 years old and has undergone a hip reconstruction surgery (called Super Hip procedure) when she was 2 years old.
She will have several limb lengthening surgeries, which will require us to stay in Florida for three to four months for each of these surgeries. We must travel every three months for visits to Charlee’s doctors in Florida.
Charlee has an appointment in June. At that visit, we hope to find out when her first lengthening surgery will be; most likely within the next year. Charlee doesn't let this stop her and she amazes us and many others daily!
Without Miracle Flights, it would be nearly impossible to get her the care she needs.
Thank you, Miracle Flights, for helping our family, and so many other families.
Charlee's mother
Photo and story provided by Miracle Flights